Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The letter...

We all know where we start from;
We know the beginning not the end
So, I thought its better I start up
And hence, wrote this letter to you.
I began more ethically;
My first line was hi, hello, how are you,
Second was also a bit formal,
Asking about your parents, family and so on…
Third also went the same way
Asking about your work and your day.
My fourth line was a more matured one,
Saying, what you mean to me,
What I felt for you,
What I expect from you,
What struck me the most in you,
How you impressed me,
And of course, what all I can do for you,
By the time I could take a look at the note
I was somewhere in my fourth page!
There was much more to write;
But the limits did not permit me
I was able to get off a good start
But, dint know how to end.
Shall I say good bye or see you or waiting for your reply…,
Or shall I send with a pigeon and wait for it
To come back to me with your answer…,
I was knocked down by confusions to such an extent that
This incomplete story lies with me since many many long years…

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